
About me.

My name is Juan Manuel Rodríguez González, I am currently studying computer systems engineering at the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, my spectator of curse its learn more about te topic, although I really like the technology and the different possibilities that can be achieved through it, as well I like many businesses, especially those that can be solved with technology, I like to help Mexican PyMES optimize processes, increase efficiency and provide more specialized distribution channels, all with the help of technology, at this time many of companies consider that technology or the automation of their processes is expensive and unattainable but the lack of information is what causes that thought, nowadays there are too many options to be able to solve and optimize processes, this is also a problem, due to which the companies or most of them go for the lowest cost, the implementation of various Systems that are not compatible often cause the process to have more percentage of risk, I have to see that this risk is very large in critical processes of your process.

Personally I really like to help companies have had the opportunity to give advice to UN Women, the state of Yucatan, the government of Mexico City, company with rotation in armor, laboratories, water treatment, NAICM through a group of architects, karting, marketers, cheese producers, consultants, coaching, chemists, among others.

One of my working philosophies is to make synergy with companies, it is always healthy to have relationships win, it is best for both parties.

It's me.


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