SOLID Principles

Today I will be talking about the SOLID principles which is an acronym that stands for five widely accepted principles of object-oriented programming and design, these principles will aid us to improve our software design and more important to have a software with less bugs.

S is for  Single Responsibility : This principle states something that we usually know, but we do not follow as it is. It states that a class should have exactly one responsibility, it should have exactly one reason that cause it to be changed.

O is for Open/Closed Principle: This principle states that a class (or function) must be open for extension but closed to modification. Adhering Open Closed Principle means that when adding new behavior you should leave the base classes alone, instead, create new inheriting classes adding behavior to these instead of the base class, this way, avoiding the issues that might happen if we modify the base class.

L is for  Liskov Substitution Principle: One of the nice things about OOP is that you can pass a new class to an existing a function that has been written to work with the base class and it will still work, LSP is intended to keep that relationship happy and running. If you follow LSP you should be free to substitute a child class in a function that expects to deal the class, however if not, you are violating this principle. In many cases instead of inheritance, programmers should create classes that are composed of base classes.

I is for Interface Segregation Principle: What this principle says is that instead of creating a big interface with a lot of methods you should create smaller interfaces, partitioning the work according to what they concern. Classes this way can pick what they implement rather than having to swallow all or nothing.

D is for Dependency Inversion Principle: What this principle states is that instead of writing code that refers to actual classes, you should instead write code that refers to interfaces or abstract classes.

These are great principles and we should use them


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